Funny Adventure Time Ugly Xmas Sweater
Adventure Time is an American animated television series created by Pendleton Ward. The series follows the adventures of Finn, a human boy, and his best friend and adoptive brother Jake, a dog with magical powers to change shape and grow and shrink at will. The show’s cast includes Jeremy Shada as Finn the Human, John DiMaggio as Jake the Dog, Tom Kenny as the Ice King, Hynden Walch as Princess Bubblegum, Olivia Olson as Marceline the Vampire Queen. Funny Adventure Time Ugly Xmas Sweater
Product detail:
- Comfortable and versatile, this sweater is perfect on its own or as a layer under a blazer or jacket
- This casual wardrobe-essential comes in a lightweight fabric perfect for comfortable everyday wear
- Suitable for special occasions such as Christmas, birthday, celebration, housewarming gift.
- 60% cotton – 30% acrylic – 10% Spandex
- Wool active fibre is used to react to your body’s temperature, thus keeping you warm in the Winter and cool in the Summer.
Shipping process:
- Processing Time: 3 – 5 working days average after payment and all designs updated correctly
- 6 – 9 working days average (US)
- 7 – 15 working days average (World)
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