Ghibli Spirited Away Anime Ugly Christmas Sweater
Spirited Away is a 2001 Japanese animated fantasy film written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki. The movie follows a young girl, Chihiro, who is moving with her parents to a new home in the countryside. On the way, they take what appears to be an abandoned shortcut and get lost. When Chihiro’s parents undergo a mysterious transformation after eating food from an abandoned stall in the woods, she must find her way home without any help from her parents.This sweater is perfect for anyone who loves this movie or just loves anime in general. Ghibli Spirited Away Anime Ugly Christmas Sweater
Product detail:
- Comfortable and versatile, this sweater is perfect on its own or as a layer under a blazer or jacket
- This casual wardrobe-essential comes in a lightweight fabric perfect for comfortable everyday wear
- Suitable for special occasions such as Christmas, birthday, celebration, housewarming gift.
- 60% cotton – 30% acrylic – 10% Spandex
- Wool active fibre is used to react to your body’s temperature, thus keeping you warm in the Winter and cool in the Summer.
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