Lilo and Stitch Ohana Hawaii 3D Hoodie
Lilo and Stitch is a 2002 American animated adventure comedy-drama film produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation and released by Walt Disney Pictures. It is the 34th Disney animated feature film. The film tells the story of two mismatched Hawaiian sisters, who reunite to rescue their mother from an evil scientist. The movie starts with a young girl named Lilo, who lives on the island of Kauai in Hawaii. She has been placed in her sister Nani?s care after their parents died in a car accident. Lilo is very lonely and finds it hard to adjust to life without her parents, but Nani does her best to make things right for Lilo. One day, Lilo discovers a large dog wearing clothes that she names ?Stitch? after he shows up in an experiment gone wrong. Stitch is not like any other dog as he has powers and can speak English fluently. Lilo and Stitch Ohana Hawaii 3D Hoodie
Product Information:
- 35% Cotton – 65% Polyester.
- The soft material feels great on your skin and very light.
- Features pronounced sleeve cuffs, prominent waistband hem and kangaroo pocket fringes.
- Taped neck and shoulders for comfort and style.
From: Salaslove store
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