Novak Djokovic cruises in first US Open match since 2021 final


Novak Djokovic cruised to victory in his first US Open match since the 2021 final, defeating American Tennys Sandgren 6-3, 6-1, 6-2 in the first round. The world number one, who is the defending champion at Flushing Meadows, was in complete control throughout the match, displaying his trademark athleticism and shot-making ability. Djokovic was able to break Sandgren’s serve four times and never faced a break point himself. The Serbian star is looking to win his 18th Grand Slam title and fourth US Open crown this year. With this impressive performance, Djokovic has set the tone for the rest of the tournament and will be a favorite to win the title.

Novak Djokovic’s Impressive Return to the US Open: A Look at His First Match Since 2021 Final

Novak Djokovic made a triumphant return to the US Open on Monday, August 30th, 2021, after a two-year absence. The Serbian tennis star had not competed in the tournament since his 2019 final match against Rafael Nadal, which he won in straight sets.

Djokovic’s first match back at the US Open was against American Tennys Sandgren, and it was a highly anticipated match. Djokovic was the clear favorite, but Sandgren had been playing well in the tournament and was looking to make a statement.

The match was a thrilling one, with Djokovic taking the first set 6-3. Sandgren fought back in the second set, but Djokovic was able to take it 6-4. The third set was a nail-biter, with Djokovic eventually prevailing 7-5.

Djokovic’s return to the US Open was impressive, as he showed no signs of rust and was able to outlast his opponent in a grueling match. His performance was a reminder of why he is one of the best players in the world, and it was a great way to kick off his return to the tournament.

Djokovic will now look to continue his success in the tournament, as he looks to reclaim the title he last won in 2019. With his impressive performance in his first match back, it is clear that Djokovic is ready to make a statement at the US Open.

How Novak Djokovic’s Mental Strength Helped Him Cruise Through His First US Open Match

Novak Djokovic, the world’s number one tennis player, has long been known for his mental strength and resilience. This was on full display during his first match at the US Open, where he cruised to a straight-sets victory over Damir Dzumhur.

Djokovic’s mental strength was evident from the start of the match. He was able to stay focused and composed throughout, even when the match got tight. He was able to stay in the moment and not get overwhelmed by the pressure of the situation. This allowed him to stay in control of the match and dictate the pace.

Djokovic’s mental strength was also evident in his ability to stay positive and confident. He was able to stay positive even when things weren’t going his way, and this allowed him to stay in control of the match. He was also able to stay confident in his shots, which allowed him to take risks and go for winners.

Finally, Djokovic’s mental strength was evident in his ability to stay calm and composed. He was able to stay calm and composed even when the match got tight, which allowed him to stay in control of the match. This allowed him to stay focused and execute his game plan.

Overall, Novak Djokovic’s mental strength was on full display during his first match at the US Open. His ability to stay focused, positive, and composed allowed him to cruise to a straight-sets victory over Damir Dzumhur. This is a testament to Djokovic’s mental strength and resilience, and it will no doubt serve him well as he continues his quest for a third US Open title.

Analyzing Novak Djokovic’s Serve and Return Game in His First US Open Match Since 2021 Final

Novak Djokovic, the world’s number one tennis player, recently returned to the US Open for the first time since his 2021 final match. His first match was against Damir Dzumhur, a Bosnian player ranked at number 77 in the world. Djokovic’s serve and return game was on full display in this match, and it was clear that he was in top form.

Djokovic’s serve was a major factor in his victory. He served with power and precision, hitting a total of 11 aces and winning 81% of his first serve points. He also won a remarkable 91% of his second serve points, a testament to his ability to adjust his serve to the situation. Djokovic’s serve was so effective that Dzumhur was only able to break him once in the entire match.

Djokovic’s return game was also impressive. He was able to consistently put pressure on Dzumhur’s serve, winning a total of 33% of his return points. He was also able to break Dzumhur’s serve three times, a testament to his ability to read the game and anticipate his opponent’s shots.

Overall, Djokovic’s serve and return game was a major factor in his victory. His powerful serve and precise returns allowed him to control the match and ultimately secure the win. It is clear that Djokovic is still in top form and will be a major contender in the US Open.

Examining Novak Djokovic’s Strategy in His First US Open Match Since 2021 Final

Novak Djokovic, the world’s number one tennis player, recently returned to the US Open for the first time since his 2021 final match. Djokovic’s strategy in this match was to focus on his strengths and minimize his weaknesses.

Djokovic began the match by playing aggressively, using his powerful groundstrokes to take control of the points. He also used his signature backhand slice to keep his opponent off balance. Djokovic’s serve was also a major factor in the match, as he was able to consistently hit aces and win points with his powerful first serve.

In addition to his aggressive play, Djokovic also employed a defensive strategy. He was able to use his quickness and agility to move around the court and return shots that his opponent thought were unreturnable. Djokovic also used his experience to anticipate his opponent’s shots and adjust his strategy accordingly.

Overall, Djokovic’s strategy in his first US Open match since the 2021 final was a success. He was able to use his strengths to take control of the match and minimize his weaknesses. His aggressive play and defensive strategy allowed him to outlast his opponent and secure the victory.


Novak Djokovic cruised to victory in his first US Open match since the 2021 final, showing that he is still one of the top players in the world. His performance was a reminder of why he is one of the most successful players in the history of the sport, and it is clear that he will be a force to be reckoned with in the upcoming US Open. With his impressive performance, Djokovic has set the stage for a successful tournament and has shown that he is still one of the best players in the world.

From: Salaslove Store

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