Dragon Ball Window Curtain And Shower Curtains
Dragon Ball is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Akira Toriyama. The manga was originally published from 1984 to 1995 in Weekly Shonen Jump. The story follows the adventures of Son Goku from his childhood through adulthood as he trains in martial arts and explores the world, meeting friends and battling enemies along the way. The curtains are made of polyester fabric which is resistant to mildew, moth, and other insects. The curtains have a window opening with a rod pocket for hanging them up. They are ideal for covering windows or sliding doors in any room of your house or office. Dragon Ball Window Curtain And Shower Curtains
Product detail:
Shower Curtains
- Experience luxury at home.
- This shower curtain for bathroom adds elegance to your bathroom, offering you luxurious hotel bath at home.
- The shower curtain liner with classic pattern and lovely color make your bathroom fabulous. Beautifies your home decor.
- Brings you a brilliant home and a bright mood.
- Suitable for special occasions such as Christmas, birthday, celebration, housewarming gift.
- Made of Polyester. It is soft and comfortable to touch, no smell, no-blowing, withstands moist bathroom.
- Premium quality ensures long-lasting use.
- Water glides off and dries quickly, ensures that your shower curtain remains fresh and clean.
Window Curtain
- With these luxury blackout velvet panels, you get 75% sunlight out for bedtime, 0% glare for your favourite game and absolute privacy with all your indoor activity.
- These thermal insulated curtains will make a budget noticeable difference, lower your heating & cooling cost by preventing sunlight & draft from getting in.
- Suitable for special occasions such as Christmas, birthday, celebration, housewarming gift.
- Made of 100% high-quality polyester, soft and beautiful drapes.
Shipping process:
- Estimated processing time: 3-5 business days. Estimated shipping time: 4-7 business days.
- Due to the pandemic, the shipping time may be delayed by 2-6 business days.
From: Salaslove store
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