Tom and Jerry Cartoon Funny 3D Hoodie
Tom and Jerry is an American animated series, created in 1940 by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera. It is the second longest-running animated series in history, surpassed only by The Simpsons. The show revolves around the rivalry between its two title characters, Tom Cat (a cat) and Jerry Mouse (a mouse), and many recurring characters. The show has been translated into more than 10 languages, with more than 20 countries broadcasting it at one point. Tom and Jerry Cartoon Funny 3D Hoodie
Product Information:
- 35% Cotton – 65% Polyester.
- The soft material feels great on your skin and very light.
- Features pronounced sleeve cuffs, prominent waistband hem and kangaroo pocket fringes.
- Taped neck and shoulders for comfort and style.
From: Salaslove store
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